Sunday, January 25, 2009

All sorts

I dreamt I was pregnant again and I was hanging out with a group of people outdoors, possibly some sort of commune.  I could fly but not very far off the ground.  I remember being obsessed with finding out whether my baby was a boy or girl and I kept asking people their opinion by showing them my belly and seeing what they thought.  Then my dream changed so no longer pregnant but now living in a flat with some others, we were getting new windows which was causing great excitement because they were designed by a famous artist.  I also remember being in a classroom at one point and learning about this artist and how amazing he was.  I also remember dreaming of sky skrapers and apartment buildings at one point during this dream.  I'm also noticing that now I have been recording my dreams for a while i'm starting to remember them in their non-linear format and my brain has stopped trying to piece them together into one story.  I can also remember specifics more rather than just a brief outline.I'm thinking that maybe you have to train your brain in order to remember your dreams properly, what do you guys think?

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