Sunday, November 2, 2008

Alice's Dreams:

Ok so i haven't been recording my dreams every morning but these are a couple that have stuck in my brain...

I was going to some sort of rich Hall of Residence with Jen and Louise but was completely distraught because I was never going to see Garry again. (the hall was cut off from the rest of the world which was kind of weird.) I got really really drunk to try and drown my sorrows but it didn't work. Dreams where I have no control or choices really freak me out and annoy me.

The other dream was really weird and involved under cover cops, Me and another person who I can't remember were running away from them and we jumped down a bank and rolled around and round in piles of leaves so that we were completely hidden. I remember the feeling of soaring through the air and then landing in the leaves, it was really realistic and quite intense.

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