Monday, November 3, 2008


I was curious.... i know we want to keep this blogging of dreams as truthful as possible, yet i feel there are some parts of some dreams that aren't exactly 'share-able'... in these circumstances would we purposefully ommitt these from the blog, maybe making a personal note of them or would we just prefer to not blog the dream at all? Whole truth and nothing but the truth kinda stuff.... just thought we could make some kind of collaborative decision.

1 comment:

Luci Mac said...

I'm not sure how everyone else feels, but I reckon just share as much as you're comfortable sharing? like, there's no point forcing yourself to share something and then feeling shit about it. But if you're worried about being embarrassed about a dream, don't be - they're not really something you can control so I see no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed by dreams.

I dunno, I say stick with what you're comfortable sharing yeah? Everyone else?